We have lots of equipment
for sale – Walking sticks to walking frames, manual wheelchairs to motorised scooters including boot scooters*, shower seats to grabbers, radar keys to trolleys!
You can pay instore or by telephone!
Bath Seat £10
Crutches £5 each or £10 Pair
Curved Shower Stool £10
Ferrule £4
Four Wheeled Walker £45
Full Commode £25
Grabber/HandiReacher From £10 depending on size
Manual Folding Wheelchair Prices range from £40 – £80
New Walking Sticks – Various Prices and styles from £10 to £30
Over Toilet Frame £15
Over Toilet Seat Commode £20
Perching Stool £10
Radar keys £3.50
Slatted Shower Stool £10
Swivel Seat for over bath £25
Three Wheeled Walker £35
Two Tiered Trolley £25
Used Walking Sticks £5
Walker Bags £14
Zimmer Caddys £10
Zimmer Frames £15